- Gray & Nameless woke up surprisingly early the next morning. "I have an idea, Nameless. Let's go get some fre http://twitpic.com/25tumz #
- @BrutastheDame Bacon gelato sounds like a wonderful palette-cleanser! in reply to BrutastheDame #
- Tagged: @grayandnameless – http://twitpic.com/25tumz #
- Our goal: to demonstrate that pitties can be kind, thoughtful, and well-mannered. Please help spread the word & RT! https://www.grayandnameless.com #
- Oh, and that we love to play and have adventures! And snack. And nap. #
- Happy #FF to @BlindMaximus @Pitbull1970 @BrutastheDame @thisbear @henryandfriends @luluvonfroufrou @SidTheCatahoula @SnotfaceCritter #
- @kittehboi Sounds like a sultry set of ladies-only late-night — we can't wait! #nipclub in reply to kittehboi #
- @Happpiii We haven't seen you much lately — hopefully you're happpiii-busssiii, not lammmooo-busssiii! #
- @WiggleTheDog Our sympathies, Wiggle. That's an awful feeling. Needing to wee makes even snacking and napping almost unpleasant. Almost. in reply to WiggleTheDog #
- @kingtuttifruiti #nipclub Goodness, we'd better get it in gear! We don't want to miss a minute… in reply to kingtuttifruiti #
- And a very happy #FF & #followfriday to @I_love_bulldogs @BunnyJeanCook @lbbDN @OllyTed @Rocknroll_ELLE @TinyPearlCat @mrrustymonkey #
- @mattiedog you send those horseflies our way. We'll make it clear: You mess with Mattie's bottom, you mess with us. in reply to mattiedog #
- @TinyPearlCat Our Pigs-In-A-Blanket? Absolutely, honored! http://twitpic.com/23lj8x #nipclub in reply to TinyPearlCat #
- @Zambonieknows Goodness, @StephenFrysCat is as big as we are small! #nipclub #pawparty in reply to Zambonieknows #
- #nipclub #pawty spinning (on) a record! http://twitpic.com/25vyxp #
- #nipclub We love being 1" tall — we get to spin on the record! http://twitpic.com/25vyxp #pawty #
- #nipclub Be right back – gotta update our http://www.facebook.com/grayandnameless page! #
- #nipclub we're back w/ R dear friend Mr. Boo! We found an old photobooth outside! http://twitpic.com/25w3gh #
- @mattiedog Our pleasure. We don't tolerate bad behavior from anyone, no matter their size. Especially when directed at our #anipals in reply to mattiedog #
- #nipclub if only they made pink boots in our size. Or any boots in our size, for that matter. #
- @BrutastheDame Sounds good. Say, are you a tooter too? in reply to BrutastheDame #
Twitter Pupdates for 2010-07-17
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