- Finally, it was time for a well-earned nap. Gray & Nameless made their way to the bungalow, and met their nice http://twitpic.com/254ttc #
- Tagged: @grayandnameless – http://twitpic.com/254ttc #
- @OllyTed Good morning! We're just going to bed ourselves — but we'll be dreaming about a big, hot, delicious breakfast in the morning! in reply to OllyTed #
- @BunnyJeanCook Goodnight to you, Miss Bunny! We're about to go to sleep too. Dreams of chasing children await… in reply to BunnyJeanCook #
- That Pudding is one brave hot dog! http://www.anipaltimes.com/2010/07/pudding-rescue/ #
- @brutusthedane We can't wait! We'll go to the sauna prior to shed excess waterweight, so we look svelt http://twitpic.com/20qssz #nipclub in reply to brutusthedane #
- When they awoke, they were invited by their bunkmates to join them for a cookout. "Why, we'd love to. We brought http://twitpic.com/258d6u #
- Tagged: @grayandnameless – http://twitpic.com/258d6u #
Twitter Pupdates for 2010-07-15
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