- They checked in with a nice lady who told them where their tent was, and where they could join others for blueberr http://twitpic.com/24b3o5 #
- Tagged: @grayandnameless – http://twitpic.com/24b3o5 #
- Those scary big blue people in #Avatar freak us out every time! #igetfreakywhen http://twitpic.com/x6fmv #
- …she told them where to find the restroom, which was badly needed after the long drive! http://twitpic.com/24ffwo #
- Tagged: @grayandnameless – http://twitpic.com/24ffwo #
- @mattiedog My, those are exotic snacks! You could write a book: "It's A Small World. Of Snacks." in reply to mattiedog #
- @pitbullipmc Burgers are one of our favorite snacks! Followed by a long nap, of course. in reply to pitbullipmc #
- @Rocknroll_ELLE WE ARE SO JEALOUS!!! TUMMY RUBS!!! in reply to Rocknroll_ELLE #
- @mattiedog let's have a dance party! U bring music, we'll bring sodapup & pupcorn. Oops, just remembered: sodapup makes @brutusthedane toot. #
- @AnipalAwards We can't wait we can't wait we can't wait!!! #AAAC We'll be cleansing all week to fit into our ensembles. in reply to AnipalAwards #
- @BlindMaximus we write Daily Pupdates every morning! https://grayandnameless.com/ in reply to BlindMaximus #
- @BlindMaximusThank you so much! Being a blind driver must be a very exciting job. Our favorite job was in a salon. http://twitpic.com/1b39cy #
- @GustheBoxer Is that a new profile photo? Your scarf is most fetching! #
- #wewasgooduntil we had 1 too many of servings of Bacon WAter from @luluvonfroufrou http://twitpic.com/1zl7k6 #
Twitter Pupdates for 2010-07-12
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