As you might have guessed by their names, days were pretty bleak for Gray & Nameless before they met. In fact, they had very different but equally rough starts in life, rougher than most – and neither had anyone they could turn to for support.
GRAY, a pit bull, was adopted at six weeks by a wealthy couple as a gift to their young children. The parents thought taking in a less conventional breed was a fun novelty. The children were disappointed they didn’t get a purebred beagle, and — lacking any imagination or affection for her — named her Gray (for her coloring). They soon lost all interest in her once the novelty wore off, and one day put her outside in the cold and left her there. Gray waited and waited at the door to be let back in, but when she saw that she was replaced by an adorable purebred beagle pup, she wandered off. Wandering alone, she was eventually picked up by the SPCA and taken to the pound.
NAMELESS, also a pit bull, was bred by operators of an illegal dogfighting ring. Because he was smaller than the other pups, he was used as bait (rather than trained to fight) beginning at the age of six weeks. Since bait pups are disposable, he was never named. The police busted up a fight one day, and the badly injured nameless pup was taken to the pound.
In the pound, Gray noticed the injured nameless pup was in pain and couldn’t make it to his food before other dogs ate it. She gave him some of hers, helped him eat and drink, and nursed his wounds. Gray was picked on by mean, bigger dogs for being scarred from exposure to the elements. So the nameless pup — having regained his strength — fought to protect her. A big fracas ensued between the nameless pup and the mean dogs. In the mayhem (alarms! lockdown!) he busted Gray and himself out of there. Gray christened him “Nameless. It’s a good name. It makes you mysterious!”
Grateful for their new friendship, together they find that every day can provide lots of opportunities to learn, to be of service, AND to have exciting adventures! They demonstrate that everyone who applies themselves, no matter how different they are from the pack (even 1″ rubber pit bulls!) should be accepted, treated with dignity, and given a chance to prove their value to society. Read all their stories and see for yourself!
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