January 25, 2011
We enjoyed a delicious dinner in what just may be the prettiest restaurant ever!
January 24, 2011
We enjoy road trips that have no destination. We just drive until we find someplace that looks fun, then we stop.
January 23, 2011
As a general rule, we don’t indulge in fast food. Road trips are, of course, the exception to that rule.
January 22, 2011
Another day of rain, another day stuck indoors. On second thought, we’re getting out of town!
January 21, 2011
Our latest “Evening Fun” discovery: Huka Bars! We especially enjoy the exotic music!
January 20, 2011
To stay fit and trim, we begin every morning with an invigorating vine climb!
January 19, 2011
What a delightful surprise! Our dear friend, Mr. Boo, stopped by for a surprise visit!
January 18, 2011
We love Sunday night because it’s Cab Counting Night!
January 17, 2011
SHAME ON US! We know better than to go so long between snacks that we get this ravenous. Please forgive our bad manners.
January 16, 2011
Goodness — this explains why everyone at the dog park seemed a little on edge yesterday!